Converting UTF-32 to UTF-8

So when I convert a piece of text (UTF-32) to UTF-8 the Carriage Return, and Line Feed characters don't seem to work like they do in ASCII, are they even supported in UTF-8? I had to use the New Line character (Hex: 0x85) which seems to be for Mac systems, but seems to only work in Notepad++. Mind you I debugged the entire converter, and it converted every character perfectly. Or so I thought? If requested I will post my conversion code.

Log File:

€Message Type: Error€Identifier: lwe::Window::Create€Message: Auxiliary : Failed to register window class.

C++ Code:
logFile.WriteString(U"€Message Type: " + msg.GetMsgTypeStr() + U"\r\n");
logFile.WriteString(U"€Identifier: " + msg.GetIdentifier() + U"\r\n");
logFile.WriteString(U"€Message: " + msg.GetMsg() + U"\r\n");
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