Showing the buttons pressed in a GUI Application

Hello there, i have a program with 5 buttons:
Abyssal Scepter -> Writes something into ChampionName-SummonersRift.txt
Aegis of the Legion -> Same thing, different id
Beep -> Send a Beep Sound
Show File Content -> Show What is currently in ChampionName-SummonersRift.txt
AutoBuddy.... -> Simple MessageBox with a Static text
Quit -> Terminates the program and removes that last character of the .txt file

I want the "Beep" button to show on screen what buttons have been pressed (Not keyboard button, the GUI's buttons) [EX: You have pressed This,That,This,These ]
What can i do?
Please help
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closed account (48bpfSEw)
You have to catch the WM_XXXX Messages:
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