[Builder 6] Save Label content to .txt file

Pages: 123
closed account (48bpfSEw)
By the way ... I find out that there are discrepances of the objects between DFM and there header file.

Download "CheckHeaderDFM" to find the faults!

Sometimes when you copy from an existing DFM file and delete some controls there are unused controls left in the DFM!
We are not in the beginner section? Apparently I made a mistake when I did this topic. I even dunno what DFM Files are (not to mention about your function on the previous page). Seriously, I don't understand anything from your solution.
closed account (48bpfSEw)
The sentence "We are not in the beginner section" was a nudge to Thomas who devaluate my contributions second time. I think I'll ignore him in future. That's the best thing I can do with unfriendly peoples.

You are using the Borland C++ Builder 6 so far I understood [Builder 6], aren't you?

Every time you create a new VCL application the Builder produces 3 files:
- a CPP file
- a H file
- and a DFM file

The DFM file is an abbreviation for Borland Delphi C++ Builder Form File which contains the definition of your form.

It contains for example this:

object Form1: TForm1
Left = 120
Top = 10
Width = 408
Height = 248
Caption = 'DelphiPHPForm'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
object TLabel label1
caption = "hello world!"

That means it contains all the text you are looking for!

@Thomas, we are not in the beginner section...

does it really matter what section we are in? It's pretty obvious that he is a beginner.
I get more and more the idea that you are not interested in helping beginners to solve their problems, but rather that you want to boast yourself and show off with your knowledge.
Feel free to ignore me in the fututre, I won't care.


maybe a book might help you to learn the basics.
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Pages: 123