Exe to open password protected exe


I wonder if it's possible to code .exe file that can open another, but password protected .exe file.

Basically, I wrote application that is encrypted by certain password (set by me). Now, I want to open it by another application that "knows" the password and can handle it to the encrypted one somehow.

For now I've seen that it's not good idea to use system() function to open it for many reasons. Function that I should use probably would be CreateProcess().

Any advice? Or perhaps my approach is wrong and I should try another one in this case?

Well, if you look at it the idea is simple :
+ Create a encryptor - decryptor library (so that multiple projects can use it)
+ Create an encryptor program and tell it to encrypt an executable with password (upon completion you can delete the original executable)
+ Create another program (your main program) with decrypting feature. Tell it to decrypt the already encrypted executable with a known password, and call it using CreateProcess(). When the process is done remember to delete the decrypted executable to avoid it spilling out "sensitive" and unnecessary information.

That's it.
Hope this helps.
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