Recursive Function

Write a recursive function that takes a non-negative integer as an argument and displays the digits of the integer out in reverse order.

This is my code so far. When I run it, the answer does not come out as reversed. I am not sure what to do next.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void printreverse(int x) {
if (x < 10) cout << x; //base case
else {
cout << x % 10;
printreverse(x / 10); //Recursive Cal
int main()
int x;
cout << "Enter integer to reverse : " ;
cin >> x;

cout << "The reversed integer is :" << printreverse;
cin >> x;

return 0;

Replace these lines:
cout << "The reversed integer is :" << printreverse;
cin >> x;

with this:
cout << "The reversed integer is :"; printreverse(x);
your not calling the function correctly in the main. you need to add a paramter x to printreverse
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