How to have an array with negative indices ?

Hi it may be a trivial question for experts but I am in trouble to implement it.
My question is following:

As we know in cpp language the indices of a vector array starts with 0 to n, if we have to store n entries in it. It reads as x[0], x[1], ...., x[n]. But if I want to have an array of negative indices such that it reads x[-1], x[-2], x[-3] ... then how to do it ? Here x is declared as

//the entries are filled as

Please suggest.
This is completely useless and something you shouldn't be wasting your time on, but okay.

With vectors you definitely can't. The overload of operator[]() will always start at the first element. What you can do is create an array in any way you want and make a pointer to some element other than the first. For example: T *p=array+n; Now you can safely access negative elements
EDIT: sorry helios you got there before me.
C++ identifies its array elements using integers from 0 (zero) up sequentially in increments of 1. The name of the arrray (say 'a') is a pointer to the first element of array 'a' or int a[0] and therefore holds the address of a[0] in memory. You can of course) initialize the array with signed values A fifteen element array would be written as return type name [15] and its elements would be numbered from 0 to 14. I would be interested to know why you want to do this.
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