Standard Abbreviations - clock_t?

Hey guys,

I want my code to be easily readable by all who needs to read it. Therefore, I want to stick with standard abbreviations through out my code. For example:

char chPlayerGender;
float fPlayerReflex;
class clPlayer {};
clPlayer *ptrPlayer;
int iPlayerStrangth;
string strPlayerName;

But What about a standard abbreviation for clock_t? is it just (t):

clock_t tPlayerRunSpeed;

Thank you in advance
Hello. You seem to have picked up a kind of bastardised Hungarian notation.

It's a standard, but it's not common or widely used. Many programmers will not find it helpful, not least because they don't use it. Far more useful is simply meaningfully named variables.
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What would you recommend?
Just meaningful variable and class names, written into code that's clear and concise.
Simple enough, Thank you, I'll just go with 't'
If I saw a variable named tPlayerRunSpeed and I knew you liked to use "t" to mean an object of type clock_t, I'd be very confused. So this is a clock_t object, right, so it represents a time, but the name suggests it's a kind of speed? So which is it, a speed or a time?
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Making Wrong Code Look Wrong

Hungarian notation on steroids: semantic types & suffixes
I was just picking things that sounded about right. I'm only recently learning to use clock_t. What it really is:

clock_t tPlayerAttackSpeed;// how fast you can hit. Smaller the number, faster your attack rate
tPlayerAttackSpeed = 750; // Player can attack every 3/4ths of a second.
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What you're calling "speed" is the inverse of speed. In this case, commonly referred to as the "period".

clock_t tPlayerAttackDelay; // the period of time between player attacks. Smaller time means more frequent attacks
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