Idk where to start...

Phase 1: Create a program that takes the input of an integer and returns whether the number is prime (true) or not prime (false). You may use modulus to determine if two numbers are divisible.
Phase 2: Get a number from the user that is a positive integer N. You want to create a loop that will test for primes for all numbers from 1, 2, ..., N. Count the number of primes that you find along the way. Create a table that displays the number of primes you found less than N. The table should be broken up into sections to show progress as the program executes. It is not necessary for the table to appear exactly as the example output. The maximum number will be less than 1,000,000,000.
I'm so lost 😭
Normally the best way to start is on a pc of paper and write down the outline / logic of your program. What do they teach in programming today ?

So do you know how to
1: Create a program

how about
2: Get a number from the user that is a positive integer N.

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