Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way

Header file
// FILE: pqueue2.h
// CLASS PROVIDED: PriorityQueue (a priority queue of items)

// TYPEDEF and MEMBER CONSTANT for the PriorityQueue class:
//static const size_t CAPACITY = ______: PriorityQueue::CAPACITY is the maximum number of entries that may be be in the priority queue at any one time.

// typedef _____ Item: The type Item is the data type of the items in the Priority Queue. It may be any of the C++ built-in types (int, char, etc.), or a class with a default constructor, a copy constructor, and assignment operator.

// CONSTRUCTOR for the PriorityQueue class:
// PriorityQueue( )
// Postcondition: The PriorityQueue has been initialized with no Items.

// MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the PriorityQueue class:
// void insert(const Item& entry, unsigned int priority)
// Postcondition: A new copy of entry has been inserted with the specified priority.

// Item get_front( )
// Precondition: size( ) > 0.
// Postcondition: The highest priority item has been returned and has been removed from the PriorityQueue. (If several items have equal priority, then there is no guarantee about which one will come out first! This differs from our first priority queue.)

// CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the PriorityQueue class:
// size_t size( ) const
// Postcondition: Return value is the total number of items in the PriorityQueue.

// bool is_empty( ) const
//Postcondition: Return value is true if the PriorityQueue is empty.

// VALUE SEMANTICS for the PriorityQueue class:
// Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with PriorityQueue objects

#ifndef PQUEUE_H
#define PQUEUE_H
#include <stdlib.h> // Provides size_t

class PriorityQueue
typedef int Item;
static const size_t CAPACITY = 5000;
PriorityQueue( );
void insert(const Item& entry, unsigned int priority);

Item get_front( );
size_t size( ) const { return many_items; }
bool is_empty( ) const { return (many_items == 0); }

// STRUCT DEFINITION to store information about one item in the pqueue
struct OneItemInfo
Item data;
unsigned int priority;
OneItemInfo heap[CAPACITY];
size_t many_items;
// PRIVATE HELPER FUNCTIONS -- see pqueue2.cxx for documentation
bool is_leaf(size_t i) const;
size_t parent_index(size_t i) const;
unsigned int parent_priority(size_t i) const;
size_t big_child_index(size_t i) const;
unsigned int big_child_priority(size_t i) const;
void swap_with_parent(size_t i);

Implementation file

#include <assert.h> // Provides assert function
#include <iomanip> // Provides setw
#include <iostream> // Provides cin, cout
#include <math.h> // Provides log2
#include "pqueue2.h"

using namespace std;

PriorityQueue::PriorityQueue( )

void PriorityQueue::insert(const Item& entry, unsigned int priority)
if(many_items==0 )
heap[many_items].data= entry;
heap[many_items].priority= priority;
heap[many_items].data= entry;
heap[many_items].priority= priority;
unsigned int i= many_items;

PriorityQueue::Item PriorityQueue::get_front( )
Item front_value=heap[0].data;
return front_value;
Item front_value=heap[0].data;
unsigned int priority= heap[many_items-1].priority;
unsigned int k=0;
while( (k<many_items) && !is_leaf(k) && big_child_priority(k)>priority)
unsigned int j=big_child_index(k);
k= j;
return front_value;

bool PriorityQueue::is_leaf(size_t i) const
// Precondition: (i < many_items)
// Postcondition: If heap[i] has no children in the heap, then the function
// returns true. Otherwise the function returns false.
return 1;
return 0;

size_t PriorityQueue::parent_index(size_t i) const
// Precondition: (i > 0) && (i < many_items)
// Postcondition: The return value is the index of the parent of heap[i].
//assert( /*(i>0) && */(i<many_items));
return (i-1)/2;

unsigned int PriorityQueue::parent_priority(size_t i) const
// Precondition: (i > 0) && (i < many_items)
// Postcondition: The return value is the priority of the parent of heap[i].
return heap[ (i-1)/2].priority;

size_t PriorityQueue::big_child_index(size_t i) const
// Precondition: !is_leaf(i)
// Postcondition: The return value is the index of one of heap[i]'s children.
// This is the child with the larger priority.
return (2*i)+1;
return (2*i)+2;

unsigned int PriorityQueue::big_child_priority(size_t i) const
// Precondition: !is_leaf(i)
// Postcondition: The return value heap[big_child_index(i)].priority
return heap[big_child_index(i)].priority;

void PriorityQueue::swap_with_parent(size_t i)
// Precondition: (i > 0) && (i < many_items)
// Postcondition: heap[i] has been swapped with heap[parent_index(i)]
assert( i>0 && i<many_items);
OneItemInfo temp_parent=heap[parent_index(i)];
OneItemInfo temp_child=heap[i];


I know i have a mistake in the void PriorityQueue::swap_with_parent(size_t i) but i cannot solve it can someone help. The test is supposed to give 100 points.

here is the source file for testing and i can only pass the first test so can someone help me in this.

source file for testing
// Written by: Michael Main ( - Nov 4, 1997
// Non-interactive test program for the PriorityQueue class.
// Each function of this program tests part of the
// PriorityQueue class, returning
// some number of points to indicate how much of the test was passed.
// A description and result of each test is printed to cout.
// Maximum number of points awarded by this program is determined by the
// constants POINTS[1], POINTS[2]...
// Note: At the moment, there is just one test function, test1( ) which
// tests all the member functions. Additional tests could be added in the
// future.

#include <iostream> // Provides cout.
#include <cstdlib> // Provides size_t and qsort.
#include "pqueue2.h" // Provides the PriorityQueue class with int items
using namespace std; // and unsigned ints for priorities.

// Descriptions and points for each of the tests:
const size_t MANY_TESTS = 1;
const int POINTS[MANY_TESTS+1] = {
25, // Total points for all tests.
25 // Test 1 points.
const char DESCRIPTION[MANY_TESTS+1][256] = {
"tests for the Priority Queue",
"Testing all the member functions"

// **************************************************************************
// bool correct(PriorityQueue& test, size_t n, int items[])
// This function determines if the PriorityQueue (test) is "correct"
// according to these requirements:
// a. it has exactly n items.
// b. the items (as obtained by get_front) are equal to
// int[0] ... int[n-1]
// The function returns true if these requirements are met, otherwise the
// function returns false.
// NOTE: All items are removed from the list during a successful test.
// **************************************************************************
bool correct(PriorityQueue& test, size_t n, int items[])
size_t i;
bool answer = true;
if (test.size( ) != n)
answer = false;
else if (test.is_empty( ) != (n == 0))
answer = false;
for (i = 0; answer && (i < n); i++)
if (items[i] != test.get_front( ))
answer = false;
cout << (answer ? "Test passed.\n" : "Test failed.\n") << endl;
return answer;

int compar(const void* ptr1, const void* ptr2)
// Precondition: Neither ptr1 nor ptr2 is NULL.
// Postcondition: The function returns (*ptr2) - (*ptr1), which is useful
// for the quicksort used in test1.
return (*static_cast<const int*>(ptr2)) - (*static_cast<const int*>(ptr1));

int test1( )
// Postcondition: A handful of simple tests have been run on the
// PriorityQueue data type. If all tests are passed, then the function
// returns 100. Otherwise the function returns zero.
const size_t TESTSIZE = 3000;

PriorityQueue test;
int items[8] = { 100, 200, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7 };
int rand_items[TESTSIZE];
char test_letter = 'A';
int i;

cout << test_letter++ << ". ";
cout << "Testing size and is_empty for an empty priority queue.";
cout << endl;
if (!correct(test, 0, items)) return 0;

cout << test_letter++ << ". ";
cout << "Adding one item to the queue, and then testing\n";
cout << " is_empty, size, and get_front.";
cout << endl;
test.insert(100, 1);
if (!correct(test, 1, items)) return 0;

cout << test_letter++ << ". ";
cout << "Inserting two items (first has higher priority).\n";
cout << " Then checking that both items come out correctly.";
cout << endl;
test.insert(100, 10);
test.insert(200, 5);
if (!correct(test, 2, items)) return 0;

cout << test_letter++ << ". ";
cout << "Inserting two items (second has higher priority).\n";
cout << " Then checking that both items come out correctly.";
cout << endl;
test.insert(200, 5);
test.insert(100, 10);
if (!correct(test, 2, items)) return 0;

cout << test_letter++ << ". ";
cout << "Inserting eight items with priorities of\n";
cout << " 8, 10, 4, 3, 7, 6, 9, 5 (in that order)\n";
cout << " Then checking that all items come out correctly.";
cout << endl;
test.insert(3, 8);
test.insert(100, 10);
test.insert(8, 4);
test.insert(7, 3);
test.insert(4, 7);
test.insert(5, 6);
test.insert(200, 9);
test.insert(6, 5);
if (!correct(test, 8, items)) return 0;

cout << test_letter++ << ". ";
cout << "Inserting " << TESTSIZE << " random items with random\n";
cout << " priorities, and checking that all items come out right.";
cout << endl;
for (i = 0; i < (int) TESTSIZE; i++)
// Insert a bunch of random items, using items themselves as priorities
rand_items[i] = rand( ) % 100;
test.insert(rand_items[i], unsigned(rand_items[i]));
qsort(rand_items, TESTSIZE, sizeof(int), compar); // Sorts from high-low
if (!correct(test, TESTSIZE, rand_items)) return 0;

return POINTS[1];

int run_a_test(int number, const char message[], int test_function( ), int max)
int result;

cout << endl << "START OF TEST " << number << ":" << endl;
cout << message << " (" << max << " points)." << endl;
result = test_function( );
if (result > 0)
cout << "Test " << number << " got " << result << " points";
cout << " out of a possible " << max << "." << endl;
cout << "Test " << number << " failed." << endl;
cout << "END OF TEST " << number << "." << endl << endl;

return result;

// **************************************************************************
// int main( )
// The main program calls all tests and prints the sum of all points
// earned from the tests.
// **************************************************************************
int main( )
int sum = 0;

cout << "Running " << DESCRIPTION[0] << endl;

sum += run_a_test(1, DESCRIPTION[1], test1, POINTS[1]);

cout << "If you submit this List to Dora now, you will have\n";
cout << sum << " points out of the " << POINTS[0];
cout << " points from this test program.\n";


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