C++ 2.5D rendering

Wondering if someone could help me with learning how to ray cast in C++.
I am new to trying to make something besides text based. I don't like to use other things like directx, opengl, sdl, ect. I would like to learn the method for this. Nothing but c++ 11 and its default libraries.

(I am using codeblocks minGW)
The standard library doesn't contain graphics.
What system are you developing for?
Nevermind, I suppose MinGW is a Windows environment.

You can use the WinAPI to manipulate graphics, but you need system support. Nothing but C++'s default libraries are insufficient unless you are writing your own operating system. You'll have to decide how little third-party code you want to use. If you decide to go to the extreme, you will lose even the majority of the standard library, which assumes a hosted environment.

But you asked about graphics, not about systems development.

In general, you need linear algebra and trigonometry (geometry) in order to understand 3D graphics. If you're looking for a book, Gilbert Strang's "Introduction to Linear Algebra" is excellent.

As you might expect from the name, raycasting involves casting a ray (represented as a vector) from a particular point, applying some transformations, and solving a linear equation to get the point of intersection in world-space. Every concept required for ray-casting is integral to computer graphics. You'll learn to do that at the same time you learn how to draw triangles :).
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I am actually taking algebra right now(In 7th grade) but I don't want any 3rd party libraries(SDL, opengl, ect)
Please reply soon, also please link some tutorials for this type of project.
I am actually taking algebra right now(In 7th grade)

Good! That's certainly a prerequisite too.

I don't want any 3rd party libraries(SDL, opengl, ect)
Nothing but c++ 11 and its default libraries

Any of the software components from here down to the circuitry can be considered third-party. How difficult this will be, and where you would begin, depends on what's third party, and what's not.
There are layers to this.
The first one is the kernel.
The second one is the graphics driver.
The third one is libGL or whatever the Windows name is
The fourth one might be wrappers around a low-level graphics API like SDL.

Admittedly, this is simplified, but any of those things might be unacceptable, so you need to clarify.

I can't give you tutorials until you do that, and perhaps not even after. But if there are no decent tutorials, there are examples.
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