Piecing together 3 programs ive created into one

Hey guys! ive been working on an Encryption/Decryption project and im finally done with the 3 different pieces of code to do so.

1st one: Uses "mirrors" to change letters.
2nd one. Checks the input and every time it finds a consonant (vowels stay the same) it adds an 'o' and the same consonant. EX: Hello becomes Hohelollol.
3rd. Simple, it changes the ascii value of each letter by adding 2 and changing the letter.

Problem here is, ive created 3 separate projects and i need help putting them together into one big one.

Ill be supplying the code for the three but really need help with the rest. Ive gave it a try and i havent gotten anywhere. Any help would be amazing!

What im trying to accomplish
-Ask the user if they would like to Encrypt or Decrypt.
-If encrypt..you run the 3 Encryption programs in that order. and output the gibberish.
-If Decrypt....your run the 3 codes to Decrypt and returns the original message.

Heres the code;

The read me has the breakdown

Coffee is one me if you can help.

You can just write a menu yourself and merge the three program easily.
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Menu + cut and paste? White, 1 sugar for me and whatever Kakoro wants. :)
I can honestly say ive never used menu. Im fairly new at programming . But if its as easy as you say, im willing to learn. I wasnt kidding..im a lil frustrated and just want it done. Starbucks on me if it works.
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Use a switch to control and a display of menu options to select the function required - eg encrypt or decrypt. There are plenty of google references which show examples of this.

You can check out how switches work by reading the tutorials here.

As far as functions are concerned just cut and paste the individual file functions into one consolidated file and write the main() function in that file to be the menu.

Check and test each function transfer as you go to make sure each one works rather than transferring them all at once and trying to debug longer code.

Good luck with it. Should only be 2 hours at most. Post your code here if you have problems as you go. :)
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