I want to improve my c++ skills, any rec?

Hello, I study Physics and I want to specalise in Computational Physics to make simulation softwar of physical systems, so i want to improve my programming skills.
The harder programs I wrote are simple versions of Snake and Space Invaders.
How can I improve my skills?
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Practise a lot. Write world-level programs which can extend to thousand of lines of code, like Yahtzee game (just one example).

For each big program, you will likely gain a tremendous amount of experience.
I want to specalise in Computational Physics to make simulation software of physical systems, so i want to improve my programming skills.

Ask yourself what kind of software requires a lot of physics?

Answer is 3D games, try to make one. Since you already made a snake game, try making it in 3D, that should be a good exercise.
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That's a goos idea but i don't know how to approach with graphic interfaces. I've written Snake printing every typeface onthe terminal, updating continously the screen with system("cls").
How can i do a serious 2D/3D interface?
Learn a graphic library, OpenGL or DirectX. There are a lot of tutorials out there that will guide you step by step.
Buy a book on computational science, look up libraries for physical computations. There is a multitude of things! Just name something specific and it will be more helpful. There is more free software relating to computational fluid dynamics that I know use C++. These other programs seem to use python more often than not.

Books for programming computation algorithms.
Fluid Dynamics. It comes free or purchase with license.
This is physical systems, never heard of it.
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