convert by c++ program into embedded c++

I have a c++ program but I have to send that buffer through microcontroller. SO I have to covert the program to Embedded c++ please help in doing that..
here is my code

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#define BUFFSIZE 30
using namespace std ;
int main()
string name{BUFFSIZE};
regex r("(\\w{3}):(\\d{5,})\\s(\\w{4}):(\\d{6,})");
cout << "Enter input \n";
string input{};
getline(cin, input);//input == reg:12345 data:678923;

if (regex_match(input, r))
cout << "Success \n";
cout << "Fail \n";
cout << "Your register value is ="<<input.substr(4,6) << std::endl;
cout << "Your data value is ="<<input.substr(16,18) << std::endl;
cout <<"THANK YOU"<<name.substr(0,20);

and I am IAR WORKBENCH for That embedded code to work..
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So what does the compiler for the "embedded" system say about your code? Please post the complete error messages exactly as they appear in your development environment.

Does your embedded system support all of those #includes?

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