URGENT HELP! Car Structure Program

I have to ask user to input information on a car such as make, model, year, etc. After that, I need to display the user input AND display three more already initialized car structure variables. My problem is that my program is asking multiple times instead of just once. And it's not displaying the initialized array list. Also I'm able to input the purpose, but it doesn't display!! Here is my code! Urgent help is needed. I tried my best but I'm slowly giving up and going crazy. Not letting me putting it in code format.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

// enumerated type to hold purpose of car
enum Purpose {BUSINESS, PERSONAL};

// Car structure definition
struct Car
string carMake;
string carModel;
int yearModel;
double cost;
Purpose purpose;

// function prototypes
Car getCarInfo();
void displayCar(Car c);

int main()
//using structure
Car car;

// get car information
car = getCarInfo();
// display student information

//using array of structure variables
Car carArray[10];
carArray[0] = { "Ford", "Taurus", 1997, 21000.00, BUSINESS };
carArray[1] = { "Honda", "Accord", 1992, 11000.00, BUSINESS };
carArray[2] = { "Lamborghini", "Aventador", 2001, 390000.00, PERSONAL };
carArray[3] = getCarInfo();

//store new values in carArray[4]
//carArray[10] = getCarInfo();

// display car information
//cout << "carArray[10]:\n";
//displayCar(carArray[10]); // using Car array variable

// display member values
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

return 0;

Car getCarInfo() {
//int year;
int purpose;
//Car s;
Car c1;
cout << "\nGetting car data...\n";
cout << endl;
cout << "Make: ";
getline(cin, c1.carMake);
cout << "Model: ";
cin >> c1.carModel;
cout << "Year: ";
cin >> c1.yearModel;
cout << "Cost: ";
cin >> c1.cost;
//get the purpose of the car
cout << "Purpose(1-BUSINESS, 2-PERSONAL): ";
cin >> purpose;
c1.purpose = static_cast<Purpose>(purpose);

//clear out the stream
cin.ignore(100, '\n');

// return the car variable
return c1;

// function with Car parameter to
// display Car Structure data members
void displayCar(Car c) {
cout << "\n**Car Information**\n";
cout << "Make: " << c.carMake << endl;
cout << "Model: " << c.carModel << endl;
cout << "Year: " << c.yearModel << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << "Cost: " << c.cost << endl;
// adding enumerated type
cout << "Purpose: ";


Getting Car Information...

Make: Nissan
Model: Altima
Year: 2015
Cost: 150000
Purpose (1-BUSINESS, 2-PERSONAL) : 2

Make: Ford
Model: Taurus
Year: 1997
Cost: 21000.00

Make: Honda
Model: Accord
Year: 1992
Cost: 11000.00

Make: Lamborghini
Model: Aventador
Year: 2011
Cost: 390000.00

Make: Nissan
Model: Altima
Year: 2015
Cost: 150000.00

Press any key to continue . . .
My problem is that my program is asking multiple times instead of just once.

Well if you call getCarInfo() three times...
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