NEED HELP ASAP :: Battelship program

I need help understanding what is going wrong with this program.
I am attempting to create a Battleship c++ program for a class project, which I've been halfway successful so far...

It's a fairly simple program but I can't seem to find where I went wrong; The output will always get up to the point where it asks the user to enter the X & Y coordinates to hit the enemy, and will then end up going into an endless loop.

Also the "restart()" module will not work.

Any help is appreciated, Thank you.

This program will simulate a game of Battleship with 10 1x1 boats on a 10x10 grid. *
The program will generate 10 random coordinates(10 numbers for x coordinate and 10 numbers for y coordinate) for the user * *
and the for the opponent. The program will then ask the user to input one x coordinate and one y coordinate, *
which will trigger to program to decide if the user's input matches with any of the opponent's coordinates. *
Then the program will select two random numbers, which will trigger the program to decide *
if those number mathc the user's coordinates. If any inputed coordinates match to the other's *
coordinates that will result a "HIT" for the one who gave the input, which will give *
that person 1 point. If the inputed coordinate IS NOT a match to the other's coordinate, then *
it will result in a "MISS". First person to 10 points wins. *

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

void goodGuy();
void badGuy();
void rules();
void gameplay(int [], int [], int [], int[]);
void restart();

int main()
string endAnswer = "y";
string startAnswer = "n";

int userX[10]; // User's X-axis coordinates.
int userY[10]; // User's Y-axis coordinates.
int enemyX[10]; // Opponent's X-axis coordinates.
int enemyY[10]; // Opponent's Y-axis coordinates.
int counter;
const int userMini = 1; // User's random number minimum value.
const int userMax = 10; // User's random number maximum value.
int i;
int count;
const int enemyMini = 1; // Computer's random number minimum value.
const int enemyMax = 10; // Computer's random number maximum value.
int j;

while (endAnswer == "y")
int validate = 0;
endAnswer = "z";
while (startAnswer != "y")
cout << "Hello Captain!\n";
cout << "Are you ready to play?\n";
cout << "Please enter 'y' for yes OR 'n' for no: ";
cin >> startAnswer;
cout << endl;

for (counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++)
i = counter - 1;

userX[i] = (rand() % (userMax - userMini + 1)) + userMini; // Randomizing for the user's coordinates.
userY[i] = (rand() % (userMax - userMini + 1)) + userMini;

cout << endl;
cout << "Your boats are set! \n";

cout << endl;

for (count = 1; count <= 10; count++)
j = count - 1;

enemyX[j] = (rand() % (enemyMax - enemyMini + 1)) + enemyMini; // Randomizing for the opponent's coordinates.
enemyY[j] = (rand() % (enemyMax - enemyMini + 1)) + enemyMini;


cout << endl;
cout << "The enemy's boats are set!\n";
cout << endl;

cout << endl;
cout << "The game will now begin!\n";
cout << endl;

gameplay( userX, userY, enemyX, enemyY);

while (validate == 0)
cout << "Would you like to restart?\n";
cout << "Please enter 'y' for yes OR 'n' for no: ";
cin >> endAnswer;
if (endAnswer != "y" && endAnswer != "n")
validate = 0;
cout << "Invaild input. Try again.\n";

validate = 1;


if (endAnswer == "n")
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Thanks for playing!" << endl;

return 0;

This module will display when the user's boats are being set. *
void goodGuy()
cout << "Your boats are being set!\n";
cout << endl;


This module will display when the opponent's (AKA the computer) boats are being set. *
void badGuy()
cout << "The enemy's boats are being set!\n";
cout << "GET READY CAPTAIN!!";
cout << endl;

This module will display the rules of the game as the "boats" are being set. *
void rules()
cout << endl;
cout << "***RULES: \n";
cout << "The rules of the game are simple; You will take turns against the computer to defeat thier armada of BATTLESHIPS!\n";
cout << " The program will ask you to enter one number for the X-axis and one number for the Y-axis, each number MUST BE between 1 and 10.\n";
cout << "The program will then display to you if what you entered was a hit or a miss. There are a total of TEN targets, destroy all ten YOU WIN.\n";
cout << "The enemy will go first.\n";
cout << endl;
cout << "GOD SPEED, and GOOD LUCK Captain!\n";
cout << endl;


Code (part 2):
This module is the "behind the scenes" of the majority or the actual gameplay *
void gameplay(int goodX[], int goodY[], int badX[], int badY[])
int loopVar = 0;
const int enemyMini = 1;
const int enemyMax = 10;
int enemyShotX;
int enemyShotY;
int userShotX;
int userShotY;
int goodBoats = 10;
int badBoats = 10;
int goodSearch;
int badSearch;
int valid = 0;

cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "You have: " << goodBoats << " Boats.\n";
cout << "************************" << endl;
cout << "The enemy has: " << badBoats << " Boats.\n";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;

while (goodBoats > 0 && badBoats > 0 && goodBoats <= 10 && badBoats <=10)
if (loopVar == 0)

enemyShotX = (rand() % (enemyMax - enemyMini + 1)) + enemyMini; // Generating the random coordinates for the "shots" from the enemy.
enemyShotY = (rand() % (enemyMax - enemyMini + 1)) + enemyMini;

for (goodSearch = 0; goodSearch < 10; goodSearch++)

if (enemyShotX == goodX[goodSearch] && enemyShotY == goodY[goodSearch])
cout << "YOU HAVE BEEN HIT!!\n";
goodBoats = goodBoats - 1;
cout << "You now have: " << goodBoats << " Boats left!" << endl;
loopVar = 1; // Tells the program its the user's turn.

cout << "MISS! You still have: " << goodBoats << " Boats left, Captain!" << endl;
loopVar = 1; // Tells the program its the user's turn.
goodSearch = 10;




if (loopVar == 1)
while (valid == 0)
cout << endl;
cout << "It's your turn Captain!\n";
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter the X-axis coordinate you would like to fire at: ";
cin >> userShotX;
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter the Y-axis coordinate you would like to fire at: ";
cin >> userShotY;
cout << endl;
if (userShotX < 0 || userShotX > 11 || userShotY < 0 || userShotY > 11)
cout << endl;
cout << "****************" << endl;
cout << "****************" << endl;
valid = 0;

valid = 1;

for (badSearch = 0; badSearch < 10; badSearch++)
if (badSearch != 10)
if (userShotX == badX[badSearch] && userShotY == badY[badSearch])
cout << "THATS A HIT!!\n";
cout << "GREAT SHOT CAPTAIN!!\n";
badBoats = badBoats - 1;
cout << "The enemy now has: " << badBoats << "Boats left!" << endl;


cout << "MISS! The enemy still has: " << badBoats << " Boats left!" << endl;
cout << "You'll hit'em next time captain!";


loopVar = 0;


if (goodBoats > badBoats) // Displays final results.
cout << endl;
cout << "YOU WIN!\n";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "YOU LOSE!\n";
cout << "Don't worry Captain, we'll get them next time!\n";
cout << endl;


This module just gives the user some on screen space between the last game and the new game.*
void restart()
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
Output (part 1):

Hello Captain!
Are you ready to play?
Please enter 'y' for yes OR 'n' for no: y

Your boats are being set!

The rules of the game are simple; You will take turns against the computer to defeat thier armada of BATTLESHIPS!
The program will ask you to enter one number for the X-axis and one number for the Y-axis, each number MUST BE between 1 and 10.
The program will then display to you if what you entered was a hit or a miss. There are a total of TEN targets, destroy all ten YOU WIN.
The enemy will go first.


Press any key to continue . . .

Your boats are set!
Press any key to continue . . .

The enemy's boats are being set!
Press any key to continue . . .

The enemy's boats are set!
Press any key to continue . . .

The game will now begin!

You have: 10 Boats.
The enemy has: 10 Boats.

Press any key to continue . . .

MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!

It's your turn Captain!

Please enter the X-axis coordinate you would like to fire at: 3

Please enter the Y-axis coordinate you would like to fire at: 5

Output(Part 2):

MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
MISS! You still have: 10 Boats left, Captain!
You now have: 9 Boats left!
MISS! You still have: 9 Boats left, Captain!

** It will do this process until the user runs out of boats. Which goes on about 1000 more times.

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