Help solving this tax Problem Please

Create the following 4- function C++ program: A family can claim $1000 tax credit per child, but the total child tax credit cannot exceed $4000. Recently the tax law has changed. The $4000 upper limit applies only if the family income exceeds $70,000. In other words, families with income more than $70,000 can claim $4000 child tax credit at the most, but families with income $70,000 or less can claim more than $4000 child tax credit if there are more than 4 children ($1000 credit per child). Write a new program to calculate child tax credit. In addition to main(), also use the following two functions in your program:

getnumChildren() : a value-returning function that asks for the number of children. Use a return statement to send it to main().

getIncome() : a value-returning function that asks for the family income. Use a return statement to send it to main().

calcCredit() : a value-returning function that calculates and returns child tax credit to main().

The main() function should display the total tax credit on the computer screen.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

//onst int family_claim_perchild = 1000;
int getnumChildren()
int numChildren = 0;
cout << "How many children do you have? ";
cin >> numChildren;
//cout << endl;

return numChildren;

int calCredit(int numChildren, double income)
int totCredit = 0;

totCredit = numChildren * 1000;

if (income > 70, 000)
if (totCredit > 4000)
totCredit = 4000;

//return totCredit;

//totCredit = numChildren * 1000;

return totCredit;

double getIncome()
double income = 0.0;
cout << "Enter your yearly income: ";
cin >> income;

return income;

int main()
double totCredit = 0.0;
int numChildren = 0;
double income = 0.0;

numChildren = getnumChildren();
income = getIncome();
totCredit = calCredit(numChildren, income);

//totCredit = numChildren * 1000;

cout << "Total Child Tax Credit: " << totCredit << endl;

return 0;
The , in the dollar amount in the if statement should be removed.

if (income > 70, 000) // if (income > 70000)
Thank you, it worked
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