This is Facebook's Liar Liar. Where should I go from here?

I've been stuck for a while now. I've gotten the input, I'm just having a problem with finding consistency. Here's what I've got so far:


using namespace std;

void recursion(){



int main(){
system("color 0A");
int num_of_probs = 0;
cout << "How many problems> ";
cin >> num_of_probs;
int answer[num_of_probs];

cout << endl;

//Amount of problems solved
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_probs; i++){

int num_of_ppl = 0;

cout << endl;
cout << "How many ppl> ";
cin >> num_of_ppl;

int amount_of_liars[num_of_ppl];
int who[num_of_ppl*num_of_ppl];

//Amount of People
for(int j = 0; j < num_of_ppl; j++){
cout << "Amount of liars> ";
cin >> amount_of_liars[num_of_ppl];
//Who's a liar (runs based off of # of liars)
int liars[num_of_ppl][amount_of_liars[num_of_ppl]];
for(int k = 0; k<amount_of_liars[num_of_ppl]; k++){

cin >> liars[j][k];

who[k] = liars[j][k];

for(int l = 0; l < amount_of_liars[num_of_ppl]; l++){
//take amount of liars the specific person (l is pos of pers) said, then take that value and find that many values in a row in who[k](3 would take who[positions 0-2])
//Problem: taking the SECOND persons values
for(int m = 1; m < amount_of_liars[l]; m ++){
cout << who[m] << endl;



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