I need to Know the output pls

i have some problems
i need to know how the output will display
its my first time dealing with questions without seeing the output
and i didnt understand them
so if you can write for me how the out put should display
i will be very thankfull
for example
how many elements you want :
enter the number

2-String Reversal
Write a short program that inputs a word or phrase of unknown length from the
user, echoes it, and prints it backward, exactly under the original. If the phrase is
a palindrome, it will read the same forward as backward. Use a function to peel
off letters and store them in a second array in reverse order. After reversing the
string , compare it to the original and display the message Palindrome, if the
string is the same forward as backward . Otherwise display No Palindrome. For
example “MALAYALAM” is a palindrome; “BANANA” is not a palindrome.

3-Fibonacci Sequence
Write a short program that computes numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence
(0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,….). This sequence is defined such that fib(1) = 0 and fib(2) = 1,
and for any other numbers in the sequence, fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2). Write a
recursive function to compute the nth number in the sequence. Call this function
from your main program
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