assertion faild in release mode

Hi verybody! I am trying to run my program in release mode but an assertion failure is reported., although it works well in debug mode but is very slow.
When I press "retry", it opens the following definition:

#ifdef _DEBUG in crt0msg.c

what does this mean and how could I solve it?

We would need some addtl info:
1) Which compiler do you use?
2) What are the compiler switches for your debaug and release build respectively?

You say, you press retry - this sounds very much like a MS-Windows environment. Pressing retry will open the debugger then. If so, please look at the call stack and find the lowest fuction of your application. (I guess crt0msg.c is a system lib and not part of the code you wrote.) Analyze / post this "lowest" function in your code.

If you need more help for finding the call stack, let me know.
I am using visual studio 2003 and it is my first experience with it...I simply switch the configuration manager between release and debug builds.
That is right...crt0msg.c is a system library which is part of a simulator code.
running the release mode and pressing retry give the following meassage:

Unhandled exception at 0x00462784 in pnoptim.exe: User breakpoint.

and points o this
#ifdef _DEBUG
* Report error.
* If _CRT_ERROR has _CRTDBG_REPORT_WNDW on, and user chooses
* "Retry", call the debugger.
* Otherwise, continue execution.

if (rterrnum != _RT_CRNL && rterrnum != _RT_BANNER)
if (1 == _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_ERROR, NULL, 0, NULL, rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt))

which is the lowest function in the call stack.
I am a begginner and do not know how to go further:)
please help go out of this trouble. I am simulating and waiting two days to get the result of one run....I am just loosing the time.I want to switch to release mode to increase the speed of execution.
Best regards
Thanks a lot
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please anyone could help????
closed account (z05DSL3A)
It's a bit hard to help in this sort of situation.

The best I can say is, when you look at the call stack, track it back to some piece of code that you wrote. That will likely be the cause of your assertion failure. If you can't see the cause of the failure post the code from that function.

It may also help if you tell us a little more about your program, what it is, what libraries it uses, what data it loads...for example I know that some people have had problems with Ogre[1] with assertion failures, turned out to be a corrupt mess.

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