Initializing Stack Constructor

Hello everyone,
What I am trying to accomplish is initializing a stack constructor, setting the initial state for a "Towers of Hanoi" problem. So far I have the header file but cant figure out how to implement this. Below is what i have so far for the moves for the game.

#ifndef __HANOI_H__
#define __HANOI_H__

#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>

class Hanoi
unsigned int m_Disks;
std::array<std::stack<unsigned int>, 3> m_Pegs;

void PrintMove(std::ostream& os, unsigned int disk, unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
os << "Moving Disk " << disk << " from peg " << from << " to peg " << to << std::endl;

void MakeMove(std::ostream& os, unsigned int from, unsigned int to);

Hanoi(unsigned int n);

void Solve(std::ostream& os)
unsigned int number_of_moves = std::pow(2, m_Disks) - 1;

unsigned int src = 0;
unsigned int aux = 1;
unsigned int dst = 2;

// if the number of disks are even, swap the aux and dest pegs
if (m_Disks % 2 == 0)
std::swap(aux, dst);

for (int i = 1; i <= number_of_moves; ++i)
if (i % 3 == 1)
MakeMove(os, src, dst);
else if (i % 3 == 2)
MakeMove(os, src, aux);
MakeMove(os, aux, dst);

#endif // __HANOI_H__

This is the constructor I need to implement.

Hanoi::Hanoi(unsigned int n) : m_Disks(n)
// TODO: set then initial state for the problem

This is the last thing I've tried

std::stack<unsigned int, std::vector<int> > stk;

Which compiles, but I dont think I'm using the correct types or naming the declaration "stk" correctly for the program. Any advice to point me in the right direction will be much appreciated.
Thank You.

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