Possible While Loop Problem

I am trying to practice doing random c++ programs and in one I came across the problem where my program won't stop accepting inputs. I am using a pearsons site paired with the textbook problem solving with c++ 10th edition and I know my program looks messy, it is just the way the assignment was made, I can not use used defined functions until later. Ill also post my code. Any help is appreciated.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cctype>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()
int temp;
int onesDigit;
int tensDigit;
int hundredsDigit;
bool contains147;

cout << "Please type the desired temperature that you would like to use" << endl;
cin >> temp;

int upperTemp = temp;
onesDigit = upperTemp%10;
tensDigit = upperTemp/10%10;
hundredsDigit = upperTemp/100;

if((onesDigit == 1) || (onesDigit == 4) || (onesDigit == 7) ||
(tensDigit == 1) || (tensDigit == 4) || (tensDigit ==7) ||
(hundredsDigit == 1) || (hundredsDigit == 4) || (hundredsDigit == 7))
contains147 = true;
contains147 = false;
while (contains147 == true)
if ((onesDigit == 1) || (onesDigit == 4) || (onesDigit == 7) ||
(tensDigit == 1) || (tensDigit == 4) || (tensDigit ==7) ||
(hundredsDigit) == 1 || (hundredsDigit == 4) || (hundredsDigit == 7))
contains147 = true;
contains147 = false;
// upperTemp contains the closest upper termperature
//repeat for lower temp
int lowerTemp = temp;
onesDigit = lowerTemp%10;
tensDigit = lowerTemp/10%10;
hundredsDigit = lowerTemp/100;

if((onesDigit == 1) || (onesDigit == 4) || (onesDigit == 7) ||
(tensDigit == 1) || (tensDigit == 4) || (tensDigit ==7) ||
(hundredsDigit == 1) || (hundredsDigit == 4) || (hundredsDigit == 7))
contains147 = true;
contains147 = false;
while (contains147 == true)
if((onesDigit == 1) || (onesDigit == 4) || (onesDigit == 7) ||
(tensDigit == 1) || (tensDigit == 4) || (tensDigit ==7) ||
(hundredsDigit == 1) || (hundredsDigit == 4) || (hundredsDigit == 7))
contains147 = true;
contains147 = false;
//lowerTemp now contains closest lower temperature
// output new temperatures
cout << "The lower temperature is: " << lowerTemp << " and the higher temperature is: " << upperTemp << endl;

return 0;

The upperTemp++ and lowerTemp-- should iterate through until the value doesnt contain the values 1 4 or 7, the digit values need to stay constant so that it doesn't allow those numbers to show up and outputs the next best number
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Once inside your while loop, onesDigit never changes. tensDigit never changes. hundredsDigit never changes.

If they never change, when will the loop stop?
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