Random number generation in Monte Carlo Simulation

Hi I'm trying to generate random number for Monte Carlo Simulation that follows normal distribution.
Can anybody tell me why this gives me same present value every time I run the program?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
using namespace std;

double monteCarlo(int S0, double r, double vol, int T, double U, double D, int stepNum)

double price;
int half = 182;
int i = 0;
double S_t = S0;
double early = 0;
while (i<stepNum) {
default_random_engine generator;
normal_distribution<double> dist(0, 1);
double phi = dist(generator);
S_t = S_t + r * S_t*(1 / 365) + vol * S_t*phi*sqrt((double)1 / 365);
if (i%half == 0 && S_t > U*(double)S0&&i%half < 6) {
early = S0 * (1.0 + 3.39*(i / half) / 100.0)*exp((T - (i / (2 * half)))*r);

double finalpayoff = S0 * (1.0 + 3.39 * 2 * T / 100);
double payoff = 0;
if (S_t > U*S0) {
payoff = early;
else if (S_t<U*S0&&S_t>D*S0) {
payoff = finalpayoff;
else {
payoff = 0;
price = exp(-r * T)*payoff;

return price;

void main()
vector<double> price;
double sum = 0;
int M = 10;
for (int i = 0;i < M;i++) {
price.push_back(monteCarlo(1000, 0.0342, 0.012653287, 3, 1.05, 0.80, 365 * 3));
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < price.size();i++) {
sum += price[i];
cout << "Present value of the equity-linked security: " << sum / M << endl;
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Have you seeded the PRNG?
You've got an awful lot of integer-division problems in you monteCarlo routine.

Please put your code in code tags.
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