Is this all there is to C++ programming?

So I still consider myself a beginner, but I've done nearly all of these topics. Is this really all there is to C++?

Where should I go after I learn these topics?

Simple Answer:
No, you will be learning C++ for a great deal of time and it takes so much practice to be great just like any art. You can't call yourself great from a weekend tutorial and honestly one way to find out is create a large program. Even try to include some graphics or GUI libraries.

Long Answer:
I would say no to your question, but I think what you were trying to ask is, what else is there to learn? Instead of "Is this really all of C++". If you truly feel proficient enough in C++, I would consider either Bjourne Stroustrup's Programming: Principles and Practices, its geared towards the beginner of C++, but is really great for someone who already knows how to code, but doesn't quiet understand how to implement their ideas to code, or handle errors. If you think that's too boring and basic. I would suggest Bjourne Stroustrups A Tour Of C++, a roughly 180 page book designed for a weekend use of learning a great deal of C++ and its histroy. If you wanna be a die hard programmer or you are inlove with C++ I would suggest Bjourne Stroutrups The Design and Evolution of C++.

If you think you're done learning C++, move ahead and go find a library to work with.
You can't harm yourself for trying, I would suggest FLTK for software guys and SDL or and Engine like UE4 for game guys because these seem to be the easiest. Then you can move to more advanced libraries like Qt for software guys and OpenGL for game guys.
1.STL lib, FLTK lib, QT lib, OpenGL lib, SDL 1.2 or 2.0 lib, Cuda lib (GPU programming), and sooo much more including engines like UE4 that uses C++ and Blueprints as well as scripting languages like Lua to make games.

2.Pick up a new language! :)

I would also consider it mandatory to buy Effective Modern C++ from Scott if you're gonna be a C++ programmer, or a good one anyways.

Bjournes Books & Resources:
SDL Tutorials:
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where did *you* learn this from? I have serious trouble learning stuff online, are they going to teach me this in university/college?

Also, aren't C++ jobs becoming more and more rare and less paying? I love C++, I've glanced at other languages too but this one just resonates with me.

That's why I'm thinking of getting into java
Is this really all there is to C++?
No. And if the core language itself is significantly larger, the set of idioms or patterns that help experienced programmers actually use the tool in real life is orders of magnitude larger than that. Be aware of the Dunning-Kruger effect: is the skill deeper than you think?

In general, you should be wary of any material that claims it'll take you from "beginner to expert", especially in some short time-frame. Now's a good time to read Norvig's famous paper:

are they going to teach me this in university/college?

Can't answer categorically, but probably not. Computer Science doesn't have all that much to do with programming.

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well then how do I become a programmer....???

Where do you recommend I learn c++ and java into it's more deeper stuff? I wanna learn enough so I can actually get a job or make sellable apps on google play
Where do you recommend I learn c++ and java into it's more deeper stuff? I wanna learn enough so I can actually get a job or make sellable apps on google play 

1. Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ (Bjourne)
2. Effective Moder C++ (Scott)
3. Qt Library (buy a book any should do yea)

This is a quick solution to getting to write amazing, flawless, buyable apps.

where did *you* learn this from? I have serious trouble learning stuff online, are they going to teach me this in university/college? 

Also, aren't C++ jobs becoming more and more rare and less paying? I love C++, I've glanced at other languages too but this one just resonates with me.

That's why I'm thinking of getting into java

1.Okay first of all, don't just goto Java like a band wagoner, use Java because you want to learn its technology and how it differs from C++. Java is great but they differ and its important to know why. If you are seriously struggling with C++ however, I recommend moving to Java to learn programming principles instead of having to worry about STL, and Vectors and Lists and stuff you don't really need to know yet as a beginner.

2.There are NOT a lack of C++ jobs and I believe there never will be.C++ is considered low level so you have a lot more certified engineers, game engine developers, and physicists and scientists. Some might argue however to focus on a specific language, kill the hell out of it and go find a job in that language. And some might argue not to get so caught up in being perfect at a language because there are millions of jobs with millions of languages. (my advice: learn to adapt, there are so many technologies you can learn about from picking up simple toy-like languages such as Python)

3.Everything you learn in college/uni will not be enough to land you a job my friend. You will need to do a lot of self research constantly, daily, yearly. You will have to pour your soul into this if you really want a good job. Sure you can go find some dev job after a month of C++ and some online certification. But why not shoot for the stars man?

4. If you struggle with tuts online (totally normal for a beginner) buy books for pros! :)

Honestly dude I would recommend
Programing: Priciples and Practice or A Tour of C++ (books)

Also, the books I linked you isn't learning online, its just a general idea of where you can go next. You're welcome to type into amazon (C++ books) or (OpenGL Primers/Books) and buy some amazing, and highly recommended books.

very rambly sorry
I want to stress this as the most important point to your reply
{{{are they going to teach me this in university/college}}}
I hope you understand that college/university isn't somewhere you go to learn to be the best coder, to be an amazing programmer, you're going to have to dedicate your free time to learning new technologies daily (even if u dont like it). Don't go into uni with that mindset or you're going to be so disappointed on what they DONT teach you. I remember being in Grade 12 applying for engineering and my biggest thing was "What will this teach me specifically".. I spent a lot of time choosing different engineer types every week simply because I didn't like that a certain course didn't teach me "this" or "that", but understand theres more to compsci then a curriculum. Software is an art, it is an architecture, it is the power of the world. Knowing said programming language wont land u your dream job. Knowing how to program and how it all works will.

Heres a quote I read that made me realize it truly doesn't matter what qualifications u get
"I would sooner higher a physics major and teach them to code, than to hire a CS major and teach them physics."

Now with all that being said remember I'm not an expert and this is all technically opinionated since I don't have any good sources what so ever.
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well then how do I become a programmer....???

If you program things, you're a programmer! My response was about expertise, but expertise isn't a necessity, and not every programmer is an expert. If you're willing to learn as you go, you can probably get away just fine with what you know already. There's always more to learn, but you don't need to learn everything - just what you need to get the job done.

Where do you recommend I learn c++ and java into it's more deeper stuff?

Write and read programs, preferably with other programmers. I think Norvig's advice is pretty good.

FWIW, I can't tell you how to get a job, since I don't program professionally (I work in something entirely un-related). But as far as I can give advice, I got a lot out of learning to work with significantly different languages. See:
Doing this tends to help concepts "connect" - ideas start to click together.

Re: C++ books:
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That's why I'm thinking of getting into java

maybe try this courses:
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