how to read csv file ?

hello , anyone tell me why it not open my csv file ,i write code

int main()
std::ifstream myFile;"data.csv");

std::string line;
return 0;

compilor print error
It compiles just fine.

Oh, you mean you have a RUN-TIME error.

On the assumption that std::cout<<"error"; is because "file not found" and not something like "permission denied", you need to make sure there is actually a file called data.csv in the current directory.

Typically, you're either
- looking in the wrong place, or at least where you don't expect.
- you have that god-awful M$ "efficiency" known as "hide known extensions" and your file is really called data.csv.txt
Thank you for the reply ,so what i have to do because data.csv file is exist in the same folder
it reads txt file but not csv file
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