Need to build cross platform app(need help of all PC and mobile dev’s)

Hello guys I’ve been reading a lot of articles and questions in this website since I started programming. Now me and my friends had an idea for a business. My knowledge in programming is in C++, C , HTML , CSS, JavaScript. We need to build Application that runs on android , iOS and windows that sync with each other and the app that runs on windows is the “main” app that can control the other apps. I’ll give an example let’s say it is bank app so the app that runs on the PC (windows app) can create new users for the Mobile apps and can change their status and permissions inside the mobile app. Now I dont know much about Database as well I don’t know how to use different language in same project. But I have know 1 thing: Is that I am willing to learn and study everything that I need to accomplish my goal and create this apps and project so please guys tell me what do I need to know and learn to do so. Please write me a list of things I need to know and help me out here.
Ty all and I hope I was understandable
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Please write me a list of things I need to know and help me out here.

Start by looking at C# and Xamarin
Felgo is also a good place to start.

What you want to do is more than that, though. You need to get yourself a dedicated web server (should cost $10-20/month), install a database, and learn some CGI. The CGI can certainly be in C++ (all the CGI I have done is), that maintains the data access for all your apps.

The Desktop app doesn't actually control stuff, the CGI app(s) do. It should tell the CGI how to configure itself.

It is worth your time to install a web server compatible with your paid web service, node.js, and your chosen database, all on your local machine. (Never program live!)

You will also want something to securely manage your website. WinSCP is a good choice.

Next you need to design a strict protocol for your apps to communicate with your CGI service. Finally you can begin writing the apps themselves -- having already set up your development PC to be a leader to deliver content so that you can test the apps.

You are really biting off something very involved. Hope this helps.
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