Need help for homework!!

I'm trying to read the name and the scores from an input file.
This is my code:
struct Performer
string name;
double scores[5];
double final;

Performer *readPerfData(string &filename, int &n);

int main( void )
string inFileName[] = {"performers.txt", "contestants.txt", "test.txt", "testempty.txt", ""};
int choice = 1; // to stop the program to allow the user to see the results one file at a time
int n;
Performer *performer;
for (string *ptr = inFileName; choice == 1 && *ptr != ""; ptr++) // test loop: takes the names of 4 input files from an array
performer = readPerfData(*ptr, n);
if (performer){
cout << "Please enter 1 to continue 0 to stop" << endl;
cin >> choice;
delete [] performer;
return 0;
} // main

Performer* readPerfData(string &filename, int &n) // <== add parameters, change void if needed
cout << "Read Performers Data...\n";
ifstream inFile;
Performer* stu;"performers.txt");
if (
cout << "Unable to open file: "<< filename << endl; // show message if the file is not available
return NULL;
if (inFile.is_open())
inFile >> n; // read the number of student
stu = new Performer[n]; // allocate new array with n size
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
getline(inFile, stu[i].name, ';');
for (int j =0; j< 5 ; j++)
inFile>> stu[i].scores[j];
return stu;

void writeFile(Performer *per, int n) // <== add parameters, change void if needed
cout << "Write report to file\n";
for (int i=0 ; i < n ; i++)
cout<< "Name: " <<per[i].name;
cout <<". Scores are: ";
for (int j=0; j < 5 ; j++)
cout <<endl;

But my output doesn't show any scores:

Read Performers Data...
Calculate Score...
Insertion Sort Descending...
Write report to file
Name: John Lee. Scores are:
Name: David T. Ng. Scores are:
Name: Mary Johnson. Scores are:
Name: Andy V. Garcia. Scores are:
Name: Ann Peterson. Scores are:
Name: Lucy A. Smith. Scores are:
Name: Dan Nguyen. Scores are:
Name: Sue K. Warren. Scores are:
Good Bye!

It only shows the name. Can someone help me?
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