Divide a number by 3 without using any of operators (%,/,*)

I have got a C function to do the above by googling it .
But can you please explain the working of the following code.
int divideby3 (int num)
  int sum = 0;
  while (num > 3) {
        sum += num >> 2;
                num = (num >> 2) + (num & 3);
  if (num == 3) ++sum;
  return sum;
This is the wrong forum for this (this isn't an article).

But this is interesting so I'll reply. It's hard to explain in words... but it basically works like so:

To understand this.. you have to know the following 2 points:

1) num >> 2 effectively is the same as num / 4
2) and num & 3 effectively is the same as num % 4

If you don't understand why, it has to do with binary representations of integers which I don't feel like getting into right now, so just trust me.

The routine sort of picks away at num by understanding that x/3 >= x/4 (for all positive values of x). If x/4 is 3, then you know x/3 is at least 3.

Now consider this. let's plug the number 11 into this routine.

First what it does is: 11/4 = 2 remainder 3
it then figures that since 11/4=2, then 11/3 must be at least 2, so it adds that 2 to the 'sum'

it then does a neat trick to subtract 3*2 from 'num'. It does this by catching the remainder of the /4 (num&3) with the remainder of the /3 (num>>2) and adding them together. Think of it like this.... every time you subtract 4, you're subtracting 3 remainder 1:

 4 / 4 = 1.   4 \ 3 = 1 remainder 1
 8 / 4 = 2.   8 \ 3 = 2 remainder 2
12 / 4 = 3.  12 \ 3 = 3 remainder 3
16 / 4 = 4.  16 \ 3 = 4 remainder 4

(Of course the remainders are higher than 3, but that doesn't matter)

since X/4 is the same as the remainder from X/3... by summing the remainders of both X/4 and X/3 we effectively are removing the result of /3.

Gah I'm explaining this poorly.

Here's an example:

11 / 4 = 2 remainder 3
therefore 11 / 3 = 2 remainder 2 (sort of... as per the formula explained above)

since 11 / 3 got us 2, we need to subtract 2*3 from 11 to remove the 3's we just divided out of 11. But how can we get 11 - 2*3 without multiplying? By tallying the remainders:

sum the remainders = 5

And it just so happens that 11 - 2*3 is also 5. That's no coincidence... it'll work out that way every time. I can't really explain why any better than I tried to... you just have to visualize it.

ANYWAY the routine keeps doing that until num gets small enough.
btw, it wouldn't work with negatives of course, so choosing an int instead of unsigned type looks kinda strange.
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