Making a Operating system

hello all,

i would like some help making a OS (Operating system). well, i am a computer idiot, not a geek, i am a geek using computers. i'm crap on computers. please would you give me the Source code to make a operating system. i am using C++
You're kidding, right?

An OS is a major development task, with thousands of lines of code and hundreds of thousands of hours worth of development.

If you are serious about writing your own OS, or just modifying one of the gazillions of abortive startup projects, check out the OSDevelopment website.

Good luck!
I'd recommend reading a book about Operating Systems first so you know what you are up against. Tanenbaum's Modern Operating Systems was particularly well written <--- that site also has power point slides for each chapter.
-_- -_- -_-
You can read the source of minix!
Also you can read the book << 自己动手写操作系统 >>
《 Write a Operate system by yourself 》
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Developing Your Own 32-bit Operating System by Richard Burgess

This tutorial is designed to build upon an intermediate programmer's knowledge and explain how to design and develop a feature-rich, full operating system.

Good luck!
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I tried this once - let me tell you this - don't use C++ - use C. C++ has keywords that depend on having an operating system under it like new and delete. You must code these from scratch again if you use it to develop an OS. Not only that but it is almost impossible to program an OS without knoiwing how to use assembler - not something for the fainthearted. Think about it - you can't use cout, printf and all the other luxeries that an OS provides for programs. Like I said, I tried it once and got about as printing "Hello World!" and taking basic keyboard input. I had to write directly to video ram. Think about for a while and make a decision. I'm not trying to discourage you - it was very fun and a great challenge to do it but if all you know is C++ then you'd need to learn more about C and how to do assembler. Try for lots of great tutorials and documentation. Try this one for more information, the top few questions especially:
If you do try - hope you have fun and a lot more success than I did :P !
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