Extrac data resource from acf data file.

I have a game built in c++ that uses a .acf file as resource file.
And I want to read this file and export images that exist in this file.
I decompiled the .exe file that read the resource but the code is complex for me. I need some help. And exist .adx file maybe an index file.

Here is some code that I got:

std__basic_string_char_std__char_traits_char__std__allocator_char____append(&v43, ".adx", strlen(".adx") - 1);
v5 = *(void **)(v3 + 4);
if ( !v5 )
v5 = _C;
if ( !stat(v5, &v47) )
v6 = Filename;
if ( !Filename )
v6 = _C;
if ( !stat(v6, &v49) )
if ( v50 <= v51 )
v7 = Filename;
if ( !Filename )
v7 = (const char *)_C;
v36 = fopen(v7, "rb");
v8 = v36;
if ( v36 )
v9 = operator new(8u);
if ( v9 )
*((_DWORD *)v9 + 1) = v8;
*(_DWORD *)v9 = &off_412320;
v9 = 0;
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