Using jwsmtp

Hi guys
I have installed and configured jwsmtp such that a file called libjwsmtp.a is created. Now i have to link this with my program in codeblocks. Even if iset the compiler linker and build options it does not reconize the statement
#include <jwsmtp.h>

Can someone give me a detailed explanation as to how to use jwsmtp on windows with codeblocks.

You need to set the include path (and lib path).
How do i do this. A full fledged explanation would be very useful to me as i am very confused now.
Dunno, never used CodeBlocks. Maybe someone else can help.

The compiler uses an include path to determine where to find non-local header files. Every C/C++ compiler does this. As your compiler can't find your header file, it means the include path needs to be extended.

The lib path is used by the linker to point to the library file. But you won't know it you have a problem there until you fix the include path.
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