Finals Urgent!

can anyone help me out? this is my final project and i need to know how to do part 2.

Create a menu driven program to simulate a simple database system. The program will open a file and reads the data and store them in an array of objects to represent the students’ information as it was created in the first part. The format and a sample of the file are provided above. If you are using arrays make the size 20 and if there are more students in the file print a message and only process the 20 that are stored in the array. Assume some of the data stored in the file are incorrect, need to verify the data.
Implement the following menu:
'O' -- Open an existing student’s file.
'A' -- Add new person to the current list.
'R' -- Remove a person from the current list.
'P' -- Print one student’s info in the current list.
'E' -- Edit information for 1person.
'S' -- Search.
'T'-- Sort the list
'X'-- Exit the program.
For O : Prompt the user for the file name, then open it.
Finally, read the entire file into the list and update the number of elements read.
For A : Add info for a new student if there is space in the list and the student is not on the list.
For R : Remove a student from the list. (Prompt user for last name)
For P : Show a sub-menu
L: Print all students’ information in the list with a page format to the monitor (refer to sample)
T : Print all students’ information in the list in a table format to the monitor(refer to sample)
F : Print in a table format to a file. Format is the same as T above.
For E: Prompt the user for the person’s last name. If name not found, print person not found message
and return to main menu. If found provide a sub-menu and allow user to change any data necessary except name.
For S: Prompt the user for the person last name. If name not found, print person not found message
and return to main menu, else return the index of the record.
For T : Sort list, display a sub-menu:
‘N’ : Sort on names (alphabetical).
‘C’ : Sort on GPA (high to low descending).
For X : Make sure to save the list information to the disk. Print an ending message. Then halt the program.
Sample input file:
Bondy, Al
88888888 D 2 c 4 f 4 A 8 b 2 x 3 z 7 *
Smith, John
12345678 A 3 b 4 b 2 x 4 C 4 *
Boldwine, Jordan
77766677 d 2 c 4 s 3 a 4 d 7 a 4 g 8 *
No Score, Joe
11111111 *
Brown Jones, Nancy
22345678 a 5 B 4 a 3 B 4 *
Bad Score, Joe
88888877 G 6 *
Bad Score1, Joe
99999999 A 8 *
Adamson Jr., Jerry
99887766 A 5 B 4 a 3 b 4 *
Required (output) reports format:
I. Sample reports table format: A students report in a tabular form: (Shown on the monitor and the file)
Sample output file:
Student Name ID Units GPA
Bondy, Al 88888888 12 1.33
Smith, John 12345678 13 2.92
Boldwine, Jordan 77766677 14 3.00
No Score, Joe 11111111 0 0.00
Brown Jones, Nancy 22345678 16 3.50
Bad Score, Joe 88888877 0 0.00
Bad Score1, Joe 99999999 0 0.00
Adamson Jr., Jerry 99887766 16 3.50
Group of 6 Students Totals 71 2.93
II. A detailed report in page format (and printing for one student): (Print to monitor)
Name: Bondy, Al
ID: 88888888
GPA: 1.33
Units 12
Name: Smith, John
ID: 12345678
GPA: 2.92
Units 13
III.Final report to the file to update the input file: (on exit)
Bondy, Al
88888888 D 2 c 4 f 4 A 8 b 2 x 3 z 7 *
Smith, John
12345678 A 3 b 4 b 2 x 4 C 4 *
Boldwine, Jordan
77766677 d 2 c 4 s 3 a 4 d 7 a 4 g 8 *
No Score, Joe
11111111 *
Brown Jones, Nancy
22345678 a 5 B 4 a 3 B 4 *
Bad Score, Joe
88888877 a 3 B 5 *
Bad Score1, Joe
99999999 A 4 *
Adamson Jr., Jerry
99887766 A 5 B 4 a 3 b 4 *
I. Include all the necessary structure definition and utility functions you may need for the structure.
II. Driver program must be modular, use as many functions as possible.
III. Must use arrays or vectors to store a list of students in the program.
IV. You may assume there are no more than 20 students in the file, (check for overflow).
V. You may assume all names in the data file are unique, no duplicates are allowed in the list.
VI. You may use any platform to develop the program, but make sure it compiles and run on Visual Studios before submitting it.
VII. Make sure the program is user friendly.
1) Start with an overall design, students list, and options (does not need to be detailed)
2) Design you structure for student info, and then implement the structure, utility functions and a small main driver to test the structure.
a. Make sure you have all the necessary structure utility functions:
i. Read
ii. Print
iii. Process functions
3) Create a list of students and start implementing the menu options one by one and test them as you go using the small main test driver.
a. Open file
b. Read into the list
c. Print the list
d. Process a person (add, edit, remove,…)
e. Search list
f. Sort list
4) Develop a menu function
5) Make the final main function

basically I have done up to creating menu part 'A' which is addingperson I need to know how to remove a person and so on. A great help would be appreciated!
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