NAN vs. -NAN

The following code (on gcc 4.4.5)

#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
int main ( int argc, const char* argv[] )
const float inf =1.0f/0.0f;
float nan = inf - inf;

results in:


My question is: Why does 1.0f/0.0f - 1.0f/0.0f give me -nan, whereas INFINITY - INFINITY results in nan? 1.0f/0.0f itself clearly evaluates to inf. Anybody? Thanks.
Because you shouldn't play with NAN. Also deviding by zero, at least for integers, results in a exception. No "End-User" is much interested in watching a program crashing trying to devide by 0.
First of all, keep in mind nans don't have signs. The meaning of the minus in the output is implementation-defined. The output really should be [-]nan(string), but nobody seems to like supporting that part of C I/O.

GCC evaluates the expression INFINITY - INFINITY as the NaN 0xff c0 00 00, and the expression inf - inf where inf is a float containing +infinity, as the NaN 0x7f c0 00 00.

The first of these NaNs has the first bit set, so the output displays it as "-nan" Why are they different? I have no idea. The exact value of the NaN is implementation-defined in all situations. These two NaNs are both evaluated at compile time (in my test), so it's somewhere deep in gcc implementation.

Interestingly, that minus is actually due to a recent (2009-08-23 to be exact) change to the GNU C I/O. Earlier versions of GCC (as recent as 4.3.4, but not 4.5.3, printed "nan" for both: vs )

For variety, HP compiler generates a 0xff c0 00 00 for both (displayed as -nan), and clang++ generates a 0x7f c0 00 00 for both (displayed as nan)
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