What include file is needed?

closed account (LAfSLyTq)
to use Kill();
ive tried #include <iostream, Windows.h> and thats all that comes to my mind.
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closed account (LAfSLyTq)
can somone tell me why


does not work?
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Isn't the Internet Explorer process called iexplore.exe?
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closed account (LAfSLyTq)
Yes, im using it as an example.
it says Kill cannot take 1 arguements

The method you're trying to call does not take any input parameters. What would happen if there was more than one IExplorer.exe process?
Is this the function you talk about? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.process.kill.aspx
It doesn't take any arguments. It just kills the current process.
If you told us what you're trying to do, we might be able to suggest a simpler method.
closed account (LAfSLyTq)
im just trying to close down a specific program using Process::Kill();
anything will work if it shuts down the program.
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closed account (LAfSLyTq)
i also have now tried system("taskkill notepad.exe");
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closed account (LAfSLyTq)
link ones code couldnt close out notepad
and i dont even understand #2s code at all
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taskkill is used as follows:

taskkill /im "notepad.exe",

taskkill notepad.exe
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closed account (LAfSLyTq)

system("taskkill /im notepad.exe");

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