I need help with this loop

I just started C++ a week ago. and i'm working on a guess number game. Everything works fine but the loop wont exit correctly. I wanted the loop to end after the user spent 5 guesses, and display "you've lost".
but unfortunately the loop won exit until the user guess it right. Please help!
Here's the source code:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> //2nd clock cpu

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

cout << " We'll play a number guessing game \n";
cout << " Pick a number between 1 and 100. \n \n";

// notice the unsigned int for positive number only

/*why it's rand() %100 +1 where is this come from?
rand() is a class that generate a function, and 100 come from the
formula (max-min+1) 1. this is between 1-100, so 100-1 +1 =100,
then we add 100+1. so what the numPicked does is that
it will generate a random number between 1-100. */

srand((unsigned int)time(0)); //formula to seed the random number generator

unsigned int guessChance = 4; // store user input
int randNum = rand() % 100 +1; // exp1 = rand()%(max-min+1) +1
int guessNum; // stores the number of guesses

cout << "you have 5 chance to begin \n" ;

for (guessChance>1; guessNum!=randNum; guessChance--)
//here the for loop nesting begins.
cout << "Guess again to continue.. \n";
cin >>guessNum; //user input a number 1 to 100.
if (guessNum <randNum) //notice randNum is a
//random number generator
cout << "\nYou guessed too low!! \n \n"
<< "\nYou still have " << guessChance << " chance left. \n ";

else if (guessNum >randNum)
cout << "\nYou guessed too high! \n \n"
<< "\nYou still have "<< guessChance << " left \n";
//this is where the loops wont go the way i want
else if (guessChance<1) //wanted loop to end after 5 guesses
cout << "\n you've lost!";

//exit loops when the guess is right

cout << "\nYou guessed it!!! \nIt took you "
<< guessChance << " guesses to get it right." <<endl;

system ("PAUSE);

closed account (o1vk4iN6)
The condition is only in the middle section of the for loop:

for (int guessChance = 5; guessChance > 0 && guessNum != randNum; guessChance--)


The first section is meant for initializing a variable not another condition like you have:

for (guessChance>1; guessNum!=randNum; guessChance--)
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You can "leave" a loop using "break". So, in place of writing cout << "\n You've Lost!";
You can use { cout << "\nYou've Lost!"; break; }
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