Making a Project

I'm starting a project to make a game, but before I get knee deep into the project... any tips on what needs to be in every project? Any specific classes that help out? Any specific functionality that would be helpful to the development process?
Nothing specific. Just general stuff: Design what you need and provide for the future, program in tiers whenever possible, etc. All the usual.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
It's your choice along with the reasoning behind that choice.
What do you mean by program in tiers?
Google up the topic. I found by googling for "tier programming". You'll find much more info with even better and more specific keywords.
Do a written outline of how you plan to code the entire thing before you write a single line of code. I started my first game without doing this, and halfway through I realized that I was plugging in a lot of holes in my code that could have been avoided had I simply sat down and said "Okay, this class does this. This class does that. This will do that, and that will do this." I'd have come up against the problems I met while coding, but I'd have had a solution to them before I was already days into the project
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