The best C++11 IDE+compiler ?

Hello ! I am currently using DevC++ which comes packed with a recent version of MinGW. However, I ran into a couple of inconsistencies or bugs.
I was wondering what the best IDE might be, in your opinion.

I am going through C++ Primer Plus 6th edition. Up until now, the following present problems with my current IDE+compiler :

1) long double fails to print correctly using cout, although, so far, it appears to calculate correctly and can be converted to double before print
2) For raw string, refuses to compile:
cout << R"(Jim "King" Tutt uses "\n" instead of endl.)" << '\n';
(says something about not recognizing "R")

If the new standard isn't yet fully integrated into an IDE, I guess that I should look no further.
Also, I should mention that I want to avoid Visual Studio and its .NET framework, it appears that having it installed randomly crashes my system.
Visual Studio 2010 does not support C++11 also.

Is not the IDE fault if a program does not compile/link, it is the compiler/libraries used.
Take a look at Code::Blocks IDE, its my current favorite and free.
I am using DevC++ 5.0.2.something (not 3, it's older), And I installed MinGW 4.5.7, So I get more c++11-only features. It's working wonderfully!
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