plese what does errors means

c:\documents and settings\desktop\usearray.cpp : error C4335: Formato de archivo Mac detectado: convierta el archivo de código fuente en formato DOS o UNIX
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Compiler Warning C4335

Error Message
Mac file format detected: please convert the source file to either DOS or UNIX format

The line termination character of the first line of a source file is Mac style (‘\r’) as opposed to UNIX (‘\n’) or DOS (‘\r\n’).

This warning is always issued as an errror. See warning pragma for information on how to disable this warning. Also, this warning is only issued once per compiland, so if there are multiple #include directives that specify files in Mac format, C4335 will only be issued once.

One way to generate files in Mac format would be by using the Advanced Save Options (File menu) in Visual Studio.

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