Help with this program?

Hey guys I'm new here and I'm sorry for bugging you all but I've had some problems with this program we are assigned to work on.

This is the project:

The number of millions of gallons of sewage that are disposed of each day for a major city is measured continuously for about one month. The records, saved in a file, EX6_1.DAT, follow:

Write a program to calculate the frequency distribution using an interval of 10 million gallons per day. But modify the program so that the input is read by calling a function named read_data (). The input specs is to use the array sewage_amt[100] to read the number of millions of gallons from file EX6_1.DAT. The output spec is to display the following data on screen:

Day no. Millions of gallons
1 123
2 134
3 122

Sewage per day frequency of occurrence
81-90 3
91-100 3
101-111 0

This is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void read_data(int *, int &);
void process_and_out(int *, int);
int main () {
int sewage_amt[100];
int length;
read_data(sewage_amt, length);

system ("pause");
return 0;

void read_data(int array[100], int &length){
ifstream fi;"EX6_1.DAT");
if (!fi) {
cout<<"File not found. Close the program.\n";
string a;
string num;
length = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < a.size() ; i++, length++){
while ( i < a.size() && a[i] != ',' )
num += a[i];
array[length] = atoi(num.c_str());

void process_and_out(int array[100], int length){
int frequency[20] = {};
int min, max;
min = max = array[0];
for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++){
if (array[i] > max ) max = array[i];
if (array[i] < min ) min = array[i];
max /= 10 ;
max = max * 10 + 10;
min /= 10;
min *= 10;
int minSave = min;

for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++){
int index = array[i]/10 - min / 10;

for (int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++){
cout << i+1 << ' '<< array[i]<<endl;
cout<<"Frequency per day: \n";
for (int i = 0 ; i < (max-minSave) / 10 ; i++){
cout << min+1 << '-';
min += 10;
cout<<min << ' ' <<frequency[i]<< endl;


When it compiles and runs this is what I get:

1 123
Frequency per day:
121-130 1
Press any key to continue.

Where am I going wrong?
I ran the program and it output:

1 123
2 134
3 122
4 128
5 116
6 96
7 83
8 144
9 143
10 156
11 128
12 138
Frequency per day:
81-90 1
91-100 1
101-110 0
111-120 1
121-130 4
131-140 2
141-150 2
151-160 1

In other news, do you know that fi >> a; isn't getting all of the data? It stops at the newline character '\n' when it hits 138, then again at 127. Be sure to take in all the input.
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