2 Dimension Subscript Operator Overload?

Pages: 12
So basically
from M22::TmpM22 M22::operator [](int lhs) is like saying that the return class shall be TmpM22 which is a nested class of M22. Hence, M22::TmpM22? And since we are overloading the [] operator for M22, it translates to M22::operator[] (int rhs)?

I didn't know if i wanted to create a TmpM22 class, i must do it via M22::TmpM22 t ( 1, m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, 0 ). So i am just wondering the first "[]" for m[1][1], the operator overload [] for M22 is called, which then return TmpM22(1,this->a,this->b,this->c,this->d,0) so it creates a unnamed instance class of TmpM22, which is equivalent to tmpM22(1)[1] like how you explained above?
1) Yes. Yes.

2) Yes
[1] is M22::operator [] and returns a M22::TmpM22
[2] is M22::TmpM22::operator [] and returns an int
Thanks Bazzy for being so patient with me! You have helped me so much, couldn't have done it without your help.
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Pages: 12