Nested loops ( Difficult )

Im having trouble figuring out a problem I was given:

" Write a C++ program to compute 20 students GPA. Each student is taking 4 courses. There are 3 exams per course. Compute average of each course for 3 exams; find average of 4 courses for each student. The GPA should be calculated based on the following:
Letter grade of "A" if average >=90
Letter grade of "B" if average >=80
Letter grade of "C" if average >=70
Letter grade of "D" if average >=60
Letter grade of "F" if average >=50 "

Isn't the entire point of the "problem" to see if you can figure this out on your own?

Even if this wasn't assigned to you by your teacher, you would need to show us what code you've written thus far, and then we could assist.
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