How to check what is the last char of a string?

Pages: 12
Too bad you're so arrogant that we cannot simply have a difference of opinion, but I must be too stupid to understand what you understand. As that is the case, I'm done talking with you.

I'm not the one who felt the need to resort to personal attack here.
Hmm, fair point. Perhaps my memory of Qt and MS string classes are a bit off. They always seemed bloated to me.

I'm not the one who felt the need to resort to personal attack here.

Let's see:
Apparently what you're reading and what I'm reading aren't the same thing.

You can't honestly say that that wasn't a particularly rude personal attack. If you want to debate the merits and intended meaning of the article, that's fine. Instead you dismiss my reading as clueless to the point of incompetence, and then complain that I have attacked you when I point out your own blatant turn of words. Get lost.
If you don't specialize for string operations in the string class, you will have to specialize for string operations in all the STL algorithms that work over string classes.

It is not a peculirity of std:;string only. All other containers except std::vector have some specialized algorithms. For example std::list has sort and reverse.
string was never in STL to begin with,

Character arrays were never ordinary arrays to begin with...:)

So std:;string has to reflect this peculirity of C character arrays.
cire wrote:
Apparently what you're reading and what I'm reading aren't the same thing.

Duoas wrote:
You can't honestly say that that wasn't a particularly rude personal attack.

Yes, I can. It wasn't a personal attack. It was an observation. What I see when reading that article obviously isn't what you see. There was no malice intended. Nor did I call you stupid, arrogant or incompetent or tell you to "get lost," but if you continue on this path I could work up to it.

Instead you dismiss my reading

No. I simply noted that I don't see what you see.
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Pages: 12