Program questions.. for CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS

1. Make and run a program that will input 5 numbers and output the highest and lowest numbers
2. Make and run a program that will input 3 numbers and display the numbers in ascending and descending order.
3. Make and run a program that will input a year and output its equivalent Roman numeral. Range of input: 1000-3000. (Roman Conversion: I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000)
4. Make and run a program that will compute the total cost charges of a telephone call rendered from a particular network using the given table. The user will input call destination code (1 to 5), time code (1=off-peak, 2=peak), and the duration of call.
Off-peak Hours	Rate/min	Peak hours	Rate/min
1 Calls to the same network P 8	1 Calls to the same network P 3
2 Call to other network	P 8	2 Call to other network	P 4
3 Call to a landline	P 8	3 Call to a landline	P 4
4 National direct dial	P 11	4 National direct dial	P 7
5 International direct dial P 20 5 International direct dial P 20

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