Files, Strings, Arrays

I have a lab assignment that I am unsure of some of the steps. My main problem is how to load and display the .txt file in to a 2-D string array. Any and all help is appreciated.

The lab assignment is to
1.Create a new folder on your PC on the C: drive. Name the folder Lab6. Copy the cTunes.txt file into it. Therefore, the complete path\file name is C:\Lab6\cTunes.txt

2.Your application must do the following:
a.Read in the cTunes.txt file and load it into a 2-dimensional string array.
b.Display the contents of the array on the screen
c.Allow the user to enter new songs, or quit the application.
d.Write the array back to the same file.

closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
look up fstream
I am still having difficulties with it, Any code samples would be greatly appreciated
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
what do you have so far?
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