valid function prototypes?

I was asked by a friend about validity of following function prototypes,

void func1(int = 0, int*);
void func2(int = 1, int& = 2);
void func3(int*, int& = 3);
void func4(int& = 4, int* = 0);
void func5(int& = 0, int = 1);
void func6(int = 5, int& = 6, int* = 0);

I think the only prototype that is invalid is func1 because it does not have default parameter on the far right.
I am not sure if I am right, though.
andrenvq57 wrote:
I was asked by a friend about validity of following function prototypes,
void func1(int = 0, int*);
void func2(int = 1, int& = 2);
void func3(int*, int& = 3);
void func4(int& = 4, int* = 0);
void func5(int& = 0, int = 1);
void func6(int = 5, int& = 6, int* = 0);

I think the only prototype that is invalid is func1 because it does not have default parameter on the far right.
I am not sure if I am right, though.

- All of those are incorrect.

- You cannot initialize any variables in a function prototype.

- Additionally, use code tags "< >" when posting code.
You are correct about why func1 is invalid. The rest is also invalid because temporary objects can't bind to non-const references. If you change all references to const, func2-func6 will be valid (but maybe not what you want).
void func2(int = 1, const int& = 2);
void func3(int*, const int& = 3);
void func4(const int& = 4, int* = 0);
void func5(const int& = 0, int = 1);
void func6(int = 5, const int& = 6, int* = 0);
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thejman250 wrote:
You cannot initialize any variables in a function prototype.
That's incorrect. You can provide default values for variables in either the prototype or definition, but not both.

"The rest is also invalid because temporary objects can't bind to non-const references. If you change all references to const, func2-func6 will be valid."
I don't quite understand what you mean by temporary object, could you explain a bit or direct me to a reference or a page on some book?

I don't understand why we cannot initialize any variables in a function prototype, could you also explain a bit or show me a reference that explains it? I flip through C++ primer, but it does not say anything about such restriction...

I'll post code using <> in the future.
When you have an integer literal, like 2, that will create a temporary object. The temporary object will only exist on that line. After the line has ended the temporary object will no longer exist. Keeping a reference to the temporary object would allow you to access a non-existing object in the lines below. You don't want that. That is why this is not allowed:
int& r = 2;
cout << r; // Not good. The object that r is referring to no longer exists. 

const references are a bit different. You can use a const reference to extend the life time of the temporary object to have the same life time as the reference. Note that since it is a const reference you can't modify the object.
	const int& r = 2;
	cout << r; // 
} // r goes out of scope so the temporary object that r is referring to is destroyed here. 
thanks Peter.

So from what I understand so far, if I have void func4(int& = 4, int* = 0); the integral literal 4 is bound to some reference alias in the prototype, but it's not so in the function definition?

Thumper wrote:
That's incorrect. You can provide default values for variables in either the prototype or definition, but not both.

- Ok, go ahead and provide default values in the prototype without putting any variable names -_-.
You can also use names in a prototype if you prefer o_o
They're meaningless, but you can still use them.
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If you have void func4(int& = 4, int* = 0); it should not even compile.
Thumper wrote:
You can also use names in a prototype if you prefer o_o
They're meaningless, but you can still use them.

- I highly doubt that what your saying is true, as i've never seen it done.

- However, i suppose that it's possible that you are actually correct.
What Thumper says is true.
Thumper wrote:
You can also use names in a prototype if you prefer o_o
They're meaningless, but you can still use them.

- I highly doubt that what your saying is true, as i've never seen it done.

- However, i suppose that it's possible that you are actually correct.

What? I do that all the time. How come you don't know that (I guess I didn't misunderstand anything)?

I just tried, and it did not compiled at all. And all of them have such error: default argument for ‘int& <anonymous>’ has type ‘int’ . What does it have to do with inability to reference a temporary value?
Peter87 wrote:
What Thumper says is true.

- I see, well that's interesting.
As I said, you need const.
void func2(int = 1, const int& = 2);

There is probably not much point passing an int by const reference compared to passing a regular int.
void func2(int = 1, int = 2);

If you want the function to take a non-const reference, because you might want to modify the int variable that is passed to the function, you should probably not use default arguments for this function.
void func2(int, int&);
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