Best book for a beginner wanting to learn assembly

I know c++, some php, some javascript, and java, but high level languages seem to get boring.....
Well anyways, I need to learn some assembly because I want to know how it works so yea...

Im more of a paper book person and online resources are usually good (because i print them), but for assembly I want an actual book.

Im looking on amazon, and I've come across two books:

Which of the two should I get? Any other books would be accepted (except the HLA book, since ive heard that its not that great).
Well there's always the free alternative:
The book by Jeff Duntemann is one of the better books on assembly. I read that and I really liked it. I recommend this one.

In case you want to do some advanced stuff and want to know tricks of optimization, there is a book The Zen Of Assembly Language by Michael Abrash. This is an old book but the things which are discussed in this are true even today. But this is an advanced stuff.
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