continue with the program while waiting for user input? (console)

Hi, I'm working on a C++ console app that needs to be able to continue with the program while I'm waiting for user input at the console window. (i.e. continue parsing some files while waiting for the user-entered data, among other things) I'm developing under Windows with Dev-cpp, g++, and NASM,

I thought perhaps a timed loop to switch between multiple functions, but even then, any time I call for user input, it has to wait for at least one key to be pressed before it continues.

Could anyone help me out with this?

"There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't."
Multi threading should help you: when a thread waits for input, others parse the files

Doing it with Windows API:
Personally, I'll choose threads.
Check the input buffer if you need fast solution.
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