C++ Developer in Amsterdam, NL

The company develops software solutions for cluster management and for managing and using clouds. Its head office is located in the USA, California, the European HQ is located in Amsterdam. Being on the market for more than a decade, the company offers software products for different industries and has a set of enterprise solutions. Nvidia, Intel, Syracuse University and many others are among their clients.

Your role:
If you start your C++ Developer job with relocation to the Netherlands by joining our team, responsible for Linux based cluster management software, you will find a lot of opportunities, fostering growth of your skills and valuable experience.

You'll get a chance to work with the latest hardware (e.g. GPUs, Xeon Phi and high-speed interconnects such as InfiniBand, Omni Path and 40 Gig-E) and cutting-edge software technologies such as parallel filesystems (e.g. Lustre, GPFS, BeeGFS), Hadoop, Spark, OpenStack, Docker, Kubernetes, Puppet, Open vSwitch and Ceph.

The company will also target new CPU architectures such as ARM64 and Power8/9, and further integrate container technology into the product to allow workloads to scale up and down easily on-premise, and to public clouds.

Your qualification:
- Master's degree or PhD (the latter preferred) in Computer Science or equivalent field;
- Minimum of 2 years of work experience in the area;
- Mastery of C++ and excellent coding skills;
- Deep understanding of object oriented software design, design patterns, and concurrent programming techniques;
- Knowledge of Linux OS and its networking concepts;
- Familiarity with AWS EC2, Azure;
- You are familiar with the most common software that is part of a typical Linux installation;
- English language proficiency;
- Passion for learning and applying new technologies.

Will be a plus:
- Background with Python, XUL, JavaScript, AngularJS
- Experience with OpenStack, Hadoop, JSON, Spark, and distributed programming
Familiarity with SQL and NoSQL.

Relocation package offered: visa services, flight tickets, money for moving expenses, help finding an apartment, etc.

Find out more here: https://relocateme.eu/jobs/tech-cpp/c-developer-amsterdam-the-netherlands-165/
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