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Open Source C++ Development: Medical Imaging

You will join academic researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s PICSL lab for a Insight ToolKit (ITK) version 4 development project. We are one of a number of groups from academia and industry who will contribute to this 10 year old open-source toolkit. The PICSL team will integrate existing multivariate image registration tools for scalar, tensor and functional magnetic resonance imaging data into this large NIH-supported project. We will also work on curve and surface deformations. The project is both high-profile and high-impact and your involvement and familiarity with the toolkit will help you build a new domain-specific skill-set. Position descriptions, below, are somewhat flexible so contact us if you think you can fit in well and have a strong interest in the project. The amount of pure research (vs. development) time allotted to the position can vary depending on interest and project needs.

ANTS: http://www.picsl.upenn.edu/ANTS/
DTI-TK: http://www.nitrc.org/projects/dtitk

We need to add two members to the PICSL team for a minimum of one year.

Position 1 --- Programmer / Software Engineer:

We are seeking a highly-skillled, disciplined C++ programmer with open-source, multi-platform development experience. The ability to collaborate and contribute to user-friendly documentation is important. Familiarity with (medical) imaging and templated C++ is desirable, but not required. GPU programming experience is also useful.

Tasks that you will be required to perform:

Help integrate ANTS and DTI-TK into ITK V4.

Follow a systematic programming style that incorporates documentation into the code.

Update existing code to meet the style / documentation and interface standards set forth for the project.

Develop testing code for all components of the toolkit based on a system that is already in place.

Read technical papers and implement associated algorithms. Contribute to usage / man pages for the toolkit.

Excellent communication and collaboration skills.

Plenty of opportunity for technical innovation will arise from this work but the main focus of this position, in the first year, is teamwork with the ITK V4 group and software development.

Position 2 --- Post-Doc / Quality Assurance / Documentation / Testing :

A major component of the project will be documenting the work that we do and providing user friendly, easy to understand examples that will be distributed with the code, as well as applying our new development to existing datasets. In addition, we will work on a detailed handbook to accompany the software. The examples and handbook will be tied together and both will be tested with nightly builds and existing data to guarantee functionality. The individual that fills this position will help guarantee that our documentation and testing suites fulfill the stated goals of the toolkit and that our toolkit performs well on clinical datasets. Facility with osx / linux operating systems, image-based statistics and some programming experience are highly valuable. The ability to maintain and update online documentation is required as are excellent communication skills. This individual will work with programmers and scientists to achieve the team’s goals, organize the details of the project and help ensure we are on schedule with deliverables.

If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact Brian Avants ( stnava at gmail dot com ) with your CV and a cover letter.
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