Would like a tutor

Hey guys, this is my first time on a C++ forum, and my first time getting into any programming language. I just recently started teaching myself, using the lessons on the 'Learn C++' website (currently on lesson 3.3)
and it's great, but the lessons are becoming overly tedious because there isn't enough coding, just a lot of reading. I do understand that reading is required, but when there is so much more reading than coding, it becomes boring. I am more of a hands-on kinda guy, which is why I am requesting a tutor. I know it isn't free, but I am a jobless teenager, so I may or may not be able to pay you the way you would like. If anyone is interested in tutoring me, I would highly appreciate it. Thank you guys!
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you can ask any question from me or any one else on this website.
take my mail from my profile and feel free to ask anything.
good luck
I do appreciate those links, Zephilinox, but I specifically requested an actual person. Also, I'm not sure why you posted more reading either. I will read it, don't worry, but that wasn't what I was asking for. With all due respect, did you even read the OP?

And Sajjad, I do appreciate the offer, but I am looking for a person who can teach me, as if I were in grade school. Sure, I could email you a few questions, but you can't actually teach me much unless I can ask you questions without waiting a day for a response.
well yes, ofc i cant do that. even if you pay me or anyone else, on internet it's not better than this. you must ask a local programmer if you want a tutor, and i scare it wont be for free
I am sure you know what Skype is.
enable your pm
it's not a good idea, how you are going to share code?
There's a chat function, plus I can see their screen.
I've decided that I am just going to find a tutorial book, but if anyone is willing to mentor me, you can still say so.
good luck
the Deitel Cplusplus is good one to start.

enable your personal message, by going to
account(top of screen).
Enabled. I will check that out.
Hey! I am in a very similar situation and while I wouldn't be able to tutor you, I think that we could work through it together. PM me if you are interested.
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