RPG Battle System

closed account (N36fSL3A)
Hey guys, thanks for all help with my RPG. Thanks to Disch and cire, the last few bugs in my NPC class is being ironed out.

I actually wrote this topic before, but it said I wasn't logged in and I lost 30 mins of typing. So once I'm done I'm going to copy and paste this thread just in case.

Now that I'm finishing up a things, I think my RPG is ready for a proper inventory system and a Battle system.

First off, the game wont have any classes so the player wont have to worry about picking the right class or not because in the end it won't matter.

For an inventory system I'd like the player to have a weight capacity, in addition to a Resident Evil 4-type inventory system so the player will have to worry about weight and how bulky your items are.

A pic of the space system:

Now lets get to the Battle System itself. I'd like to have an open world battle system, but I also don't want the player to walk around like a god of war and kill every goddamned person in the world with no competition. I want the game to require a good bit of strategy, I want the player to know that he isn't the best in the world.

Then there's the sideview system. I really like this also, but it seems a bit difficult, it requires me to draw many graphics, and in multi-player situations it really isn't pleasant if your opponent decides to take a shower mid-battle.

Then there's the tactical battle system. I like this system, but it seems very hard to incorporate, and it faces the same problem as the side view system, it isn't very ideal for multi-player.

I'd be nice for you guys to choose a system and give me reasons why I should choose it, and I'd be even better if you guys could give me better ideas.

Some pseudo code on how to implement would be very nice also.

Lol is it time for me to make a new topic? http://prntscr.com/1ejomq
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